A Week In Music #6

A week of change

Alex Rosado


Photo by Katrin Hauf on Unsplash

It’s been quite the week here. I’ve been meaning to write, and started a couple of articles, but always end up feeling like I’m saying too much without saying anything. It’s frustrating, so I’ve given myself the right not to write.

I started the week in New York, spent most of my days in Paris, and finish it in Dublin. I feel pretty lucky. And tired — physically, emotionally, mentally, you pick it.

This week I wanted to share songs that have meaning for me.

Paper Mache World by Mathilda Mann

I’ve shared this song before, as part of the Heartstopper soundtrack. Since then, I’ve been listening to it and have found a lot of meaning in the idea of knowing I would find the people I love in any other world.

It makes it easy to move around when you feel you are destined to meet again, and again, because it just makes sense. Whether driving in the car with my husband or dancing in the streets with my best friend, the simple moments are the best when you’ve found your people.

Le Vent Nous Portera by Noir Désir

It is one of the most beautiful songs I know. The lyrics are evocative and poetic. I wish I could translate them but they are complicated. They use expressions and double senses that only have meaning in French.

The last bit says:

Pendant que la marée monte — As the tide rise
Et que chacun refait ses comptes — And everybody balance their books
J’emmène au creux de mon ombre — I bring in the hollow of my shadow
Des poussières de toi — Dusts of you
Le vent les portera — The wind will carry them
Tout disparaîtra mais — Everything will disappear but
Le vent nous portera — The wind will carry us

You’re On Your Own, Kid by Taylor Swift

I’ve talked about this song before too, but it made sense to add it this week. I’m indeed on my own, kid. It’s the first time I’m truly on my own. I’ve moved abroad before, but there was always someone to pick me up at the airport and give me time to find accommodation. This time is different, but I’m ready. I haven’t lived through all this stuff before not to learn a thing or two about life. I’ll be okay.

I’m trying to write about moving here, how I feel and how the first day has been. Hopefully, I’ll have something to share in the next couple of days. I’m also starting my new job tomorrow, so maybe another thing to talk about..!

Have a great week!



Alex Rosado

Oversharer. French. Occasional critic. A bit dramatic but still figuring things out